Theme Installation


You need to fulfill some prerequisites to configure your machine, before starting the development process.

If you’re using macOS, then Homebrew is the easiest way to install the prerequisites. Check out this guide to install Homebrew on your machine.

Install Nodejs

Install Nodejs with the following command on your Terminal according to your operating system if you haven’t yet.

winget install -e --id OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS

If you successfully installed Nodejs, then you can check the version with the following command.

node -v
brew install node@18

If you successfully installed Nodejs, then you can check the version with the following command.

node -v

Please follow the official documentation to install Nodejs on Linux.

If you successfully installed Nodejs, then you can check the version with the following command.

node -v


Go to the official site to Download and Install Nodejs.

Run Your Project Locally

To run the theme in your local environment, follow the instructions below:

Get your theme

Unzip the downloaded file, and you will find the main theme folder inside the themes directory, which you will be working with. Folder structure example,

📂 spydea-tailwind/ (Unzipped Folder)
├── 📁 themes/
|     |
|     └── 📂 spydea-tailwind/ (Main Theme)
├── 📄 changelog.html
├── 📄 documentation.html
└── 📄 license.html

Open the Main theme in your Code editor like VSCode.

  1. Open vscode terminal (ctrl+`) and run the following command to install all dependencies.

    npm install
  2. Run the following command to start the development server.

    npm run dev
  3. Now, you get a generated URL and open it in your browser. The default URL looks like this localhost:3000.

Build Your Project

After completing your development process, you can build your project for production. You can build your project with the following command.

npm run build
Improve this page on Github  — Last updated:  Sun, Nov 26, 2023