How to change promo video

We have added a random youtube video url on promo video section.To change promo video with your youtube give you youtube link in data-video like below example.

<!– Promo Video –>
<div class="video">
 <img class="img-fluid shadow" src="images/thumbs/promo-video-thumbnail.png" alt="video-thumbnail">
 <div class="video-button video-box">
 <!– Video Play Button –>
 <a href="javascript:void(0)">
 <i class="tf-ion-play" data-video="your-youtube-url?autoplay=1"></i>

autoplay=1 is used for play automatically when the video loads in iframe.

We use few lines of code in custom.js for play video. You can edit as you want from custom.js. For video, line of codes is given below

// —————————–  
// Video Replace  
// —————————–  
$(.video-box i).click(function() {  
 var video = <iframe allowfullscreen src="’ + $(this).attr(‘data-video’) + ‘"></iframe>’;  
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