How to Change Testimonial Slider Content

We have used Slick slider in testimonial section. The basic structure of Slick Sloder is given below

1. HTML markup setup

<div class="testimonial-carousel p-4">
	<div> <i class="ion-quote text-color mb-3 d-block"></i>
		<p class="mb-4">"This Company created an e-commerce site with the tools to make our business a success, with
			innovative ideas we feel that our site has unique elements that make us stand out from the crowd."</p>
		<div class="user d-flex"> <img src="images/avater.jpg" alt=""
				class="img-fluid  rounded-circle mr-3">
			<p class="pb-0 mt-2">Rose Ray <span class="d-block">CEO-Themefisher</span></p>
	<div> <i class="ion-quote text-color mb-3 d-block"></i>
		<p class="mb-4">"This Company created an e-commerce site with the tools to make our business a success, with
			innovative ideas we feel that our site has unique elements that make us stand out from the crowd."</p>
		<div class="user d-flex"> <img src="images/avater.jpg" alt=""
				class="img-fluid  rounded-circle mr-3">
			<p class="pb-0 mt-2">Rose Ray <span class="d-block">CEO-Themefisher</span></p>
	<div> <i class="ion-quote text-color mb-3 d-block"></i>
		<p class="mb-4">"This Company created an e-commerce site with the tools to make our business a success, with
			innovative ideas we feel that our site has unique elements that make us stand out from the crowd."</p>
		<div class="user d-flex"> <img src="images/avater.jpg" alt=""
				class="img-fluid  rounded-circle mr-3">
			<p class="pb-0 mt-2">Rose Ray <span class="d-block">CEO-Themefisher</span></p>
	<div> <i class="ion-quote text-color mb-3 d-block"></i>
		<p class="mb-4">"This Company created an e-commerce site with the tools to make our business a success, with
			innovative ideas we feel that our site has unique elements that make us stand out from the crowd."</p>
		<div class="user d-flex"> <img src="images/avater.jpg" alt=""
				class="img-fluid rounded-circle mr-3">
			<p class="pb-0 mt-2">Rose Ray <span class="d-block">CEO-Themefisher</span></p>

*Change contents form div.

Add the class or id name of the div you want to apply the slider of owl carousel in script.js file like below (*We have the id works of the div)

2. jQuery initialization

	slidesToShow: 1,
	infinite: true,
	arrows: false,
	autoplay: true,
	autoplaySpeed: 2000

under the curly brace apply your slider settings. For more about Slick carousel follow this Link.

Improve this page on Github  — Last updated:  Thu, Oct 19, 2023