Testimonial Slider

We have used slick slider in testimonial section. The basic structure of slick slider is given below

1. HTML markup setup

<div class="testimonial-item position-relative">
  <i class="ti-quote-left text-color text-lg"></i>
	<p class="mt-4">Neque ipsa consequuntur excepturi quas repudiandae aliquam iste ab laboriosam id facere ducimus odio sed officia provident doloribus explicabo, magni, corrupti sit.</p>
	<div class="testimonial-author">
		<h5 class="mb-0 text-capitalize">Thomas Johnson</h5>
		<p>Excutive Director</p>

*Change contents form testimonial-item.

Add the class or id name of the div you want to apply the slider of owl carousel in main.js file like below (*We have the id works of the div).

  1. jQuery initialization
	slidesToShow: 1,
	slidesToScroll: 1,
	infinite: true,
	dots: false,
	arrows: false,
	autoplay: true,
	autoplaySpeed: 6000,
	responsive: [{
			breakpoint: 1024,
			settings: {
				slidesToShow: 1,
				slidesToScroll: 1,
				infinite: true,
				dots: true
			breakpoint: 900,
			settings: {
				slidesToShow: 1,
				slidesToScroll: 1
		}, {
			breakpoint: 600,
			settings: {
				slidesToShow: 1,
				slidesToScroll: 1
			breakpoint: 480,
			settings: {
				slidesToShow: 1,
				slidesToScroll: 1
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