Basic Configuration

Here is the configurations for your website. You can change those as per your requirements.

Default configuration

In this project, config.json file is the main configuration file.

  1. title setting is for the main title of your website. This is the title that will appear in the browser tab and in search engine results.
  2. base_url field for your website URL / domain. Add your site URL here.
  3. trailing_slash setting defines whether or not you want to add a trailing slash to the end of your website URL. If you want to add a trailing slash, set this setting to true.
  4. pagination setting controls the number of posts that are shown on blog overview pages. If you have more posts than this amount, pagination will be visible to allow users to navigate to the next set of posts.
  5. disqus add your Disqus shortname to enable comments on the blog post. To install Disqus you can follow this tutorial.
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